
A rant about my favorite team in baseball the Cubs and an objective look into baseball in general.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Bye Bye Dusty....

I had been in the Dusty Baker camp of him being a good manager. Won MOY twice in S.F. and brought the cubs to 5 outs of being in the world series. Losing 22 out of the last 25 games, being swept the last three series. No one is giving a hundred percent, save maybe D. Lee while he is rehabbing. You may argue that this is Hendry's fault, yet he met his targets (except Furcal) this off-season, and put the best team he could assemble out on the field. The old adage that it's easier to get rid of one then it is 25, applies nicely in this instance. He does not bench a player when they show lack of hustle, unless of course your name happens to be Murton or Cedeno. Its a shame to see a team that showed some promise in April, tank the last 25 games. A new leader is what the doctor ordered, ala Florida and Houston. I'd love to see Pinella come here and bust heads and egos, but I'd settle for Brenly. This year, being a cubs fan is like rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic. Oh, well.... I'll post again when the flubs win two in a row.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Change of course for this rant.

I've waved the white towel in defeat. I will never go red, so my next alternative would be Milwaukee. The real heading for this post is that we as Americans need to fear what our left leaning legislature under the guidance of our supposed republican president, are doing to the country. Close the borders down NOW. Take away the citizen family exemptions. Make sending USC to citizens of foreign countries a defenestrable offense. Get rid of welfare, you work now, time to stop sucking off Uncle Sams teat. I'm tired of having 11,000 dollars a year of MY income going to the Feds to fund: medical, foodstamps, WIC and whatever warm and fuzzy nonsense program to people who, do not belong here, are to friggin lazy to work or get SSI because they are obese. It sickens me going into a Target store to see the signs in spanish are as large as they are in English. My father was a legal immigrant who learned both English and Ukranian. Went on to be drafted in the army for Vietnam and recieved a purple heart before he was granted citizenship. I'm proud of that fact. Yet our government bows down to foreign powers. Grow a pair for christ sakes. Do not give any country any aid. Clean up your own house. The good CITIZENS of the United States of America are tired of it all.

Monday, May 08, 2006

If you have to go to a game.....

Through a trusted friend who is in the know, I got a solid figure of what the tribune co. makes every game with concessions. After overhead, it is $800,000 on average a game. I like most real Cub fans, buy two games a season to watch as a fan of my beloved team. Well, I do not contribute any extra funding. I do not purchase beer, hot dogs (that was tough) or a program. If you still want to go to a game, eat and have a cold one before you go into Wrigley. It is nearly 65 million of lost revenue to the tribsters. You think they may pay attention. Damn straight they would. You will still support the team, but not hand over extra revenue to these bastards.

27th of May Protest of Cub Ownership.

Finally, real Cubs fans are sick of it all. At 11:30 CST on 27MAY06, during a FOX broadcast, a group of REAL fans will be holding an informational protest of the ownership of the Cubs. Which by the way is really good at denying fans 1st amendment rights to speak their minds about the organization. Try bringing a sign that is critical of ownership into Wrigley (Yeah, right!). They are not criticizing the team, but they are attempting to force the hand of the Tribune company. The Tribune company is making money hand over fist on this product, but like any other large corporation, are responsible for the bottom line to their share holders. This is not the way to own a sports franchise. The only thing I implore the fans who choose to take part is: do not give the police a hard time. If they ask you to stop blocking the sidewalk, then walk around the ballpark. Do not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic and be polite. Ignore the drunk rectal ducts that might bait you and you'll be fine. I'll be with you all in spirit. Make our message be heard.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

What a wasted night.

I get one of my few weekends off. The cubs are playing four w/SD and I get the TV all to myself. The cubs have owned the padres the last few seasons and I figured it would right the ship. HA HA. Silly me, you get a great performance from Zambrano (yes, he is starting to pitch) and one run would've been all it took, but they make Park look like a Cy Young contender. The guy had an over 5 era. This team is bad. They need to go on a tear. Otherwise they will finish in fifth.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's over..........

Unless the cubs can go 7-2 on the left coast stick a fork in them. Dusty won't be here, look for Brenly to take over. I don't think you can coax Pinella into this gig. The offense went away and SP looked like they were serving up batting practice. Other things I've been mulling over: immigration reform, deport the felons (every single one of them). Da mayor, might as well seek asylum in the Gaza strip, they will not let the "G" extradite him. 4 more months till football. Next week we'll start potty training our daughter. 019 is such a nice change of pace... I look forward to going to work.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What an embarassment I witnessed.

I was at the game last night but didn't get to see it. Why, you may ask, I was making sure cubs "fans" would get in and out of Wrigley safely. What a drunken bunch of idiots. The ones that were sober were with their families. Wearing what I do at work, you become a magnet for out of towners who ask directions etc., which is not a problem but as you're attempting to help them out you have an asshat in full cubs regalia staggering all over the place about to piss themselves.
Love my team, hate the idiots that come to Wrigley. It was friggin' Monday night, doesn't anyone work anymore? Yes, I submit that we had few problems except for the roving band of latino gangsters that were from 017, acting like themselves, wondering out loud on their free ride to Belmont and Western why they were getting locked up. Hey McPhail, ever walk around Wrigley immediately after a night game? Might want to rethink your beer sales policy. It's an absolute disgrace. I felt for the families that had to endure the nonsense. Well with seeing some of the highlights, Murton is the man. Marshall is looking like a PITCHER and keeps calm, cool and collected. He realizes something that Meathead cannot: it's about pitching not throwing. The game is 90% mental and 10% physical talent. Get it through that thick skull of your's Meathead.
Will the cubs finally solve the Zach Duke mystery today? Need a win before the long left coast swing.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

I'm glad I work late, cause I would've never discovered David Stein on sporting news radio. Give a listen to him, takes about 4 hrs of listening and you'll be hooked. Cubbies season is flashing before our eyes. I'm already about to raise the white flag in surrender. Well, they'll be good once Kid K and MP come back. Nah, they'll 6 games out've 1st by then with no serious chance of getting back in. You needed this series win. They are all critical games. Yet I was surprised at 13 wins for April w/ their bad literal bad breaks. Jerry Angelo, I'm excited you brought the Crazy Czech to town, expect some hellfire out of the D-line this upcoming season. Can't wait for some football. Because I think my hopes for the cubs this year have been quashed.