
A rant about my favorite team in baseball the Cubs and an objective look into baseball in general.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Grading the Bears PS game 2.

Urlacher scored the only points needed to win the game, and that is not so good. Harris needs to wrap up the ball carrier, both Mannings played well. Liked what I saw on D. The question about offense , in my mind, will our recievers actually hold on to a ball thrown to them by Grossman? Yes, he rated at a 38, but I clearly saw 4 drops and the interception was a boneheaded read on his part. With Hester and Davis fielding special teams, our offense should be starting on a short field most of the game. Therein lies a problem, our defense never got much rest when the offense ran a drive that either went 3 and out or had one first down. Working with a shorter field will produce more points but at a cost of not being able to take much time off the clock. Nice problem to have though.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Grossman v. Griese...

Let me lay this to rest....Grossman will start unless he cannot due to injury. Griese is the best insurance policy out there on any team in the NFL. Grossman will show the world this year that he will belong in the upper elite of the league's gunslingers. Thomas Jones should just shut up and quit slamming everybody. You're making great money and you knew if a number 4 overall pick was drafted in your posistion, he would become the man. Everybody keeps their egos in check, then I see an NFC championship game in the cards this season. I'm thinking 12-4 this year, possibly winning the NFC outright if they beat the Seahawks. Can't wait.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I need to resist the urge....

...to get sucked in by this run the cubs are on. To have any chance at making the post season (pipe dream), the cubbies need to play better then .750 baseball. NU has a better chance of winning the Big Ten outright this season. I'm proposing this line up for next season:

1. Pierre CF
2. Izturis SS
3. D. Lee 1B
4. C. Lee LF
5. Ramirez 3B
6. Jones RF
7. Barrett C
8. Cedeno 2B

SP: Zambrano

RP: Howry
Marmol (CP)

Brenly will get a lot of this team and in a weaker NLC, should be the toast of the division. A guy can dream can't he?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Goodbye Maddog, we really knew ye...

Well, you get to go to a place where the ball doesn't carry, you will go to the post season: 3 and out, but you get to chill out at home. Welcome to the asylum Cesar, if you don't like the weather, it will be cool down at week's end, kinda like the season for your new team. I like the deal, only if they are gonna sign Pierre to a deal. If not, better luck in 2009. I'm exhausted from the cluster last night that I was involved in the 20th district. Otherwise I would go into a more heartfelt analysis about what the cubs did and the overall moves that occured 15 hours ago.