Bye Bye Dusty....
I had been in the Dusty Baker camp of him being a good manager. Won MOY twice in S.F. and brought the cubs to 5 outs of being in the world series. Losing 22 out of the last 25 games, being swept the last three series. No one is giving a hundred percent, save maybe D. Lee while he is rehabbing. You may argue that this is Hendry's fault, yet he met his targets (except Furcal) this off-season, and put the best team he could assemble out on the field. The old adage that it's easier to get rid of one then it is 25, applies nicely in this instance. He does not bench a player when they show lack of hustle, unless of course your name happens to be Murton or Cedeno. Its a shame to see a team that showed some promise in April, tank the last 25 games. A new leader is what the doctor ordered, ala Florida and Houston. I'd love to see Pinella come here and bust heads and egos, but I'd settle for Brenly. This year, being a cubs fan is like rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic. Oh, well.... I'll post again when the flubs win two in a row.
At 2:32 PM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
Fire Hendry . . .he let Garciappara go and got Nevin about a month two late.
Baker is a moron, but this is Hendry's failure 85%
At 12:44 AM ,
Ah, fire both of them, MacFail too and boycott them until the TribCorp sells them to Psycho Mark Cuban,,,, you may I'm a dreamer....
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