It's over..........
Unless the cubs can go 7-2 on the left coast stick a fork in them. Dusty won't be here, look for Brenly to take over. I don't think you can coax Pinella into this gig. The offense went away and SP looked like they were serving up batting practice. Other things I've been mulling over: immigration reform, deport the felons (every single one of them). Da mayor, might as well seek asylum in the Gaza strip, they will not let the "G" extradite him. 4 more months till football. Next week we'll start potty training our daughter. 019 is such a nice change of pace... I look forward to going to work.
At 10:18 AM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
Couldn't disagree with you more about most of what you said:
Unless the cubs can go 7-2 on the left coast stick a fork in them. Dusty won't be here, look for Brenly to take over.
Cubs aren't done . . .yet. No one in the central will run away with it and that is the good news.
Bad news: Dusty will be back, will get an extension.
The offense went away and SP looked like they were serving up batting practice.
I thought Marshall was outstanding. It is great that they are letting their rookies start. This will pay off big time.
immigration reform, deport the felons (every single one of them)
1) how can a government which can't handle things on a small scale. . .going to deport 11 million people. They couldn't deport 5,000. It will never happen. . .logistically impossible.
2) our government let them come here, turned their head. . .whatever. This is not an immigrant problem. . .they are doing what they are allowed to get away with, much the same way you drive 85 mph everywhere you go. THIS IS A GOVERNMENT PROBLEM. They take nothing seriously until it is too late.
The mass has ended. Put the razor blades away.
At 1:16 PM ,
LLMM said...
Marshall and Maddux are the only bright spots. Lets see, Z is 0-2, J. Williams-minors, Rusch-pen, Guzman-unknown. Great to see the soon to be stars of tomorrow attempt to bail out this years team but I want them to win it before the century mark. Yes, the bright spot is they have all but four key spots locked up for the next three years but damn it, I'm tired of a mediorce team, year after year. Sucks worse that the friggin sox (both) won it the last two seasons. I'm just tired of it.
With the issue of ILLEGAL ALIENS I like to look at an analogy:
No house is bug proof. You find that you have bugs in your house. You get rid of them and find their entrance in to take care of the problem. We know we have bugs and we know where they are coming from, but the liberal asshats on both sides of the aisle choose not enforce the laws that are already on the books. Last time I checked official misconduct is an illegal act or OMISSION to take actions that are required by law. Every FED (L.E. or whatever branch of government)should be investigated for this. How many other 9/11's can this country endure before it realizes that we've been kow- towing to felons and their supporting governments (ie Mexico). It's as simple as Michael Savage espouses, close our borders, preserve our lanuage and culture.
At 5:02 AM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
I am not saying that it is not a problem. Just that a full purge is an impossibility and that it is not really the fault of the immigrants, more the fault of our government's failed policy. You want to close the border, I'm with ya. You want to strafe the bastards coming across. . .fine by me. As long as the policy is consistent, I'll go along with the program.
BTW - everyone in the central loses last night. You need a 4 -5 or 5-4 road trip. The Cards just need to win a game!!!
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