Change of course for this rant.
I've waved the white towel in defeat. I will never go red, so my next alternative would be Milwaukee. The real heading for this post is that we as Americans need to fear what our left leaning legislature under the guidance of our supposed republican president, are doing to the country. Close the borders down NOW. Take away the citizen family exemptions. Make sending USC to citizens of foreign countries a defenestrable offense. Get rid of welfare, you work now, time to stop sucking off Uncle Sams teat. I'm tired of having 11,000 dollars a year of MY income going to the Feds to fund: medical, foodstamps, WIC and whatever warm and fuzzy nonsense program to people who, do not belong here, are to friggin lazy to work or get SSI because they are obese. It sickens me going into a Target store to see the signs in spanish are as large as they are in English. My father was a legal immigrant who learned both English and Ukranian. Went on to be drafted in the army for Vietnam and recieved a purple heart before he was granted citizenship. I'm proud of that fact. Yet our government bows down to foreign powers. Grow a pair for christ sakes. Do not give any country any aid. Clean up your own house. The good CITIZENS of the United States of America are tired of it all.
At 10:52 AM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
I'm tired of having 11,000 dollars a year of MY income going to the Feds to fund: medical, foodstamps, WIC and whatever warm and fuzzy nonsense program to people who, do not belong here, are to friggin lazy to work or get SSI because they are obese.
Immigrants contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 1999 fewer than one in seven foreign-born householders received benefits such as food stamps and housing assistance.However, immigrant use of these assistance programs is largely concentrated among refugees and
elderly immigrants. Most immigrants are young and
healthy when they arrive--their average age is 28. Immigrants are large contributors to--rather than recipients of--Social Security, and will play an integral role in financing Social Security as the U.S. population ages.
At 1:44 PM ,
LLMM said...
This is paragraph from a study done in 2004 from the CIS website:
Total Deficit Created by Illegals. If the estimated net fiscal drain of $2,736 a year that each illegal household imposes on the federal treasury is multiplied by the nearly three million illegal households, the total cost comes to $10.4 billion a year. Whether one considers this to be a large sum or not is, of course, a matter of perspective. But, this figure is unambiguously negative and certainly not trivial. It is also worth remembering that these figures are only for the federal government and do not include any costs at the state or local level, where the impact is likely to be significant
Enlighten yourself my friend, according to newer data, the CIS believes that there is 32 million foreign born folks living among us, with over a 1/3 being illegal.
Dive into the subject matter a little further, may raise your eyebrows a tick.
At 10:39 AM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
If you can't figure out that I am merely pulling your chain . . . well, you can't be dumber than you look so. . .
I bet you wish they'd deport Neifi Perez and the Frenchman Jaques Jones.
At 11:28 AM ,
LLMM said...
whitlock, I figured it out in your first line of taxes, and the piece de resistance, young and healthy. I know you're just as tired of our party letting us down. Just supporting an argument, as it was beat in our heads in philos 101. Keep the faith my brother.
Sosa first, everyone else a close second.
At 9:43 AM ,
LLMM said...
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