In Praise of Mad dog.
In order to keep your sanity as a life long Cubs fan you must have two things, an ability to forget things quickly and a sense of humor. I admit I did not feel too optimistic going into the season knowing our soon to be 40 year old, #2 spot in the rotation, was going to lose more velocity on his "fast" ball. Happily I can say, man can Maddux PITCH. Most guys in the bigs can throw, but few can command a game and be a pitcher. 0-2 count, most guys come near the plate, not Maddog. He'll waste 2 pitches to set up the out pitch. It's an honor as a former pitcher to see a master at his craft. What he has lost in raw ability he has gained in movement, ball "speed", placement and experience. Sure its only 6 innings but you are saving the pen a bit, might get a complete game every now and then. What you know everytime Maddog hits the bump that you'll get a complete effort on his part. If the Cubs offense can keep up the station to station offense and not rely on the solo home run, he'll reward the team for the extra breather. Today's the rubber game, if the Cubs are to contend, series' wins are key. The games are just as important in April as they are in September. Yesterday was small ball, today looks like a beautiful day for baseball and Milton will be serving at the dish, expect a thriller today at 1060 W. Addison.
At 9:09 AM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
As a Cards fan, I honesty love watching Maddux pitch. I always root for the Cubs to win so Maddux can get to 350. Maddux is crafty but he falls into the LaRussa camp when it comes to pitching. . .always throw a first pitch strike. Generally speaking, an excellent rule of thumb. However, if you are throwing 82-84 mph, sooner or later that first pitch will get crushed. I forget who Atlanta was playing in the playoffs a couple of years back but that was their plan. Hit the first pitch. And it worked. If he can stay away from getting clobbered on pitch 1, he'll win 18 or more. If not, he'll still win 12-15.
At 9:10 AM ,
Whitlock's Nails said...
So when are Cubs fan's going to start gobbling Sammy's cock again? He was hated when he left. . .I bet that doesn't last too long. You'll be deepthroating him begging for his induction to the HOF.
At 11:49 PM ,
Ve vill start slurping Lil' Sosa as soon as you stop kissing Mark "Tears" McGuire's salty soft pillows, you San Loouie scoundrel! Sammy and Markie are forever cuffed together at le wrists in the baseball public's memory bank like Poitier and Stony Curtis in a prison break flick. At least Sammy was smart enough to scammy on our Congressional cowards by hiding behind a trasnlator! Big Dumb Mark got all teary-eyed and coould only muster "I don't want to talk about the PAST..." (sniff-sob-choke-verklempt!)
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of Annheiser-Bush! Now GO AWAY before I taunt you a second time!
Your precious "Red`Nails" blew TWO CHANCES for all the marbles the last couple of years- Bartman my ass- you REDBIRDS REALLY know how to fold up like a good CARD table should!
LaRussa blows! (Go White Sox! Hi Kev!) ;->
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