
A rant about my favorite team in baseball the Cubs and an objective look into baseball in general.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Opening day...

...and I'm not in my usual mood. Maybe it's the weather or the fact the Cards are in town for a 3 spot. I hope Monday that I'll still find a reason to believe. Quick hitters: 1. Baseball's "independant" investigation on steroids= JOKE. The fact finder in this case has a vested interest in MLB and the Disney Corporation. Can you say conflict of interest? 2. The Comish, the third greatest snake oil salesman since PT Barnum and Mr. Montgomery Burns. But of course his daughter "owns" the Brewers. 3. Barry Bonds, you are only fooling yourself. Giambi stepped up and took his lumps, I respect that. 4. Revenue sharing. MLB rewards teams for not drawing fans and penalizes teams that show profit and pay their players. The Cubs, Mets, Yankees and Braves to an extent are reasons enough to open the books again. Worried about payroll, institute a minimum and maximum salary cap. Done venting, and a hardy hey, hey, holy mackeral. Destroy the pigeons!


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